5. Understanding Dissociation

5. Understanding Dissociation

When we experience trauma, our minds and bodies find ways to cope. What might look on the outside like spacing out, rapid mood or behavior changes, or an intense imaginary world, can actually be the child psychologically “disconnecting” from what’s happening or has happened to them. We call this “dissociation.” Clinical child psychologist Dr. Joyanna Silberg joins us for this episode. We discuss why dissociation takes place, what are early signs of it, and what we as parents and professionals who care for children can do to help.

Learn more about our guest expert on this episode: Dr. Joyanna Silberg


Watch highlights from the episode:

What is dissociation and why do children dissociate?

How to Talk to a Child Who is Dissociating

Normal Imaginative Play versus Dissociation in Children


6. Supporting Children (and Adults) Who Have Been Sexually Abused


4. Preventing Trauma